

Mazkur maqola bo‘lajak vokalistlarning ijodiy tasavvurini rivojlantirish uslublariga bag‘ishlangan bo‘lib, yetakchi sahna ustalarining uslublari va psixologlarning nazariy ishlanmalari asosida muallif quyidagi xulosalarga to‘xtaladi: ijro etilayotgan asar sifati obrazli umumlashma yaratish talabaning sezgi, his-tuyg‘ulari, ilhomi, badiiy didiga asoslanadi; tasavvur darajasi ijrochining belgilangan sifatlariga to‘g‘ridan-to‘g‘ri proporsional aqliy jarayon sifatida tafakkur xotira bilan chambarchas bog‘liq; faoliyatning ajralmas qismi hamda fikrlashni faollashtirishning muhim sharti bu maxsus kayfiyat hisoblanadi.

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Immediate Effects of Methylphenidate on Vocal Acoustic Parameters in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

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Synthesis of breathy vowels: Some research methods

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K= Fluctuations at Relativistic Energies

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Observation of Two-Source Interference in the Photoproduction Reaction AuAu ! AuAu

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عنوان ژورنال: ????????-????????? ?????????? ??????? ?????????? / ?????????? ???????? ?????????-???????????? ???? / Actual Problems of Humanities and Social Sciences

سال: 2023

ISSN: ['2181-1342']